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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ghana's Ultra Modern Liquid Waste Treatment Plant in Accra


In an attempt to solve the issue of the lack of well engineered scientific liquid waste disposal sites in Ghana, the Government of Ghana has embarked on a GH¢22.5 million ultra modern waste disposal facility under the aegis of the Accra Sewerage Improvement Project (ASIP).

Located in Legon, Accra, it is expected that the facility, which operates using three types of ponds (anaerobic, maturation and facultative), will adequately treat liquid waste from suburbs in its environs networked to the site, including the University of Ghana, Legon.

It is designed to last up to the year 2030 and the contract is being undertaken by Costain West Africa.

Ghana however needs more of these, otherwise the impact would not be felt. It will just be like a tiny drop in the ocean.

This chamber receives faecal sludge from the facility's pump station

One of the many ponds of the treatment facility

The anaerobic pond has an apron for trucks and is lined with thick sheets to prevent seepage into the ground water

Odourless liquid after faecal sludge goes through some processes

The sieve prevents solids from entering the ponds

The treatment facility covers a very large area

Some of the channels leading to the ponds

1 comment:

  1. How to use the liquid level sensor for waste maintenance?
    Liquid Waste Level Sensor
    Level sensors are utilized to screen and direct levels of a specific free-streaming substance inside a contained space. There are various diverse sorts of liquid level sensor used to distinguish the point level of a liquid
